Join U-Report

How do I become a U-Reporter?

Join to speak out and be heard.

Would you like to have your voice heard?

It's very easy to become a U-Reporter and takes less than one minute:Become a U-Reporter via this link or follow the steps below:

  1. Access theU-Report Global page in Facebook
  2. Send us a message to U-Report global in Facebook and text JOIN through Facebook messenger.

If you have a smartphone you can also join U-Report by downloading the U-Report Android Application by followingthis link(data charges may apply). Try to download the application with a WIFI network if you have access to one!

How are my answers used?

You can influence decisions!

U-Report poll results are visualized in a public website, and our partners (NGOS, government, civil society, UN agencies, to name a few) use it to achieve change for you and your community. We don’t poll for the sake of polling, but we engage young people around issues that affect them so they get to influence decision making processes.

Is there a minimum age?

We follow the law on age minimums where a law exists, but we also look to support Convention on the rights of the child Article 13 around supporting the right of a child to freedom of expression. In U-Report Global we ask that you are older than 13, just like in other social networks.

How does someone stop being a U-Reporter?

U-Reporters can quit at any time by sending a keyword e.g. QUIT, which triggers their leaving the project. If they change their mind they can re-join.

How much do U-Reporters have to participate?

It is free and always will be!

Nothing. It’s free and it will always be.

U-Report is free for users to make it accessible to everyone - this is a core principle of the programme we maintain.

Who are U-Reporters?

It is open to everyone

Today there are millions of young people across the globe who are U-Reporters. U-Report is live in more than 30 countries in all regions around the world. Some countries have a dedicated country program, but anyone can become a U-Reporter through U-Report Global. It doesn’t matter where you are.
