A father is playing and communicating with a newborn baby.jpg

Newborn Tips


- Both parents should actively interact with the baby

- Play peek-a-boo and help you baby engage, and play with you

- Lay your baby on his tummy when he is awake and put toys near him

- Encourage your baby to lift his head by holding toys at eye level in front of him

- Hold a toy or a rattle above your baby’s head and encourage her/him to reach for it

- Hold your baby upright with his feet on the floor

- Hold and talk to your baby, smile and be cheerful

- Set steady routines for sleeping and feeding

- Pay close attention to what your baby likes and dislikes.

- Copy your baby’s sounds

- Act excited and smile when your baby makes sounds

- Have quiet play times when you read and sing to your baby

- Give toys to play with, such as rattles or colourful pictures

- Play games such as peek-a-boo

- Provide safe opportunities for your baby to reach for toys and explore the surroundings

- Toys you can make for your baby: A Gourd rattle, a bottle rattle, squeeze toys

To make a gourd rattle: Find a small gourd, cut a round hole at the stem and clean out the seeds and flesh. Let it dry out well and put 2 or more small rocks or other objects inside. Find a stick the size of the whole and glue it to the gourd.

To make a bottle rattle: Take a plastic bottle or equivalent receptacle. Insert nuts, stones, or colorful strips cut from other plastic bottles. Insert a stick into the bottle, and wrap a ring with strips of cloth.

Squeeze toys: Trace and enlarge various patterns on a fabric. Cut out two pieces for each pattern. Sew the edges and stuff with wool, beans or candy wrappers. Sew the ends. You can also cut out the figure of a doll and stuff it.

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