
Advocacy is action to create positive change.

There are lots of different types of disability advocacy.

Advocacy can be when someone helps you to speak up for yourself.

Self-advocacy is when someone with disability speaks up and represents themselves.

Systemic advocacy involves working for long-term social change to ensure the collective rights and interests of people with disability are supported in legislation, policies, and practices.

Disability advocacy may include things like:

  • Providing information to people with disability about their rights.
  • Assisting people with disability to stand up for their rights by speaking with and writing to people and organizations to raise awareness of problems and seek solutions.
  • Helping people with disability make complaints or engage in legal action.
  • Working with government to make changes to laws, policies and programs.

What do you want to advocate for?

Do you already know what your advocacy goal is? If yes, share it with us!