Playing with 1-2 year old toddlers
- Give your child objects to put into containers.
This is excellent for the development of her/his eye-hand coordination.
- Give your toddler things to stack up.
She/he should try to stack things until they fall down.
- Ask simple questions and respond their attempts to talk.
She/he should be willing to interact by responding further questions.
- Talk about everyday scenarios, such as nature, pictures and things around you.
Notice your toddler move around and be willing to explore the environment.
- Encourage learning by watching what she/he does and naming it, “you are filling the boxes”.
She/he will be happy to show you what she/he learned and will gain self-esteem.
- Play and help with your toddler, “let’s do it together, here are more stones to put into your box”.
These activities should make her/him happy and more confident.
- Take advantage of every opportunity to engage in a conversation with your toddler, including feeding or bathing.
Soon she/he should start to understand what you're saying and follow simple directions.
- Play simple word games, “where is your toe?” or “where is the bird?”. Look at pictures and talk about what you see.
She/he should be increasingly curious and willing to communicate what she/he sees and hears.