A mother is playing with her baby at the ocean

Playing with 1 - 6 month old babies


- Hold and talk to your baby in a cheerful smiling way

Your baby will show calmness and comfort and will slowly establish trust with you.

- Slowly move colourful things for your child to see and reach for.

Give toys to play with, such as rattles or colourful pictures

- Smile and laugh with your child.

You should soon see your baby smile in return.

- Talk to your child and get a conversation going by copy your baby’s sounds

You should see her/him slowly focus on your face and try to imitate you in return.

- Help your child follow an object. Put toys near your baby so that he/she can follow.

You should see the child trying to follow the object with her/his eyes.

- Encourage your child to reach for a safe object you show her/him, such as a plastic cup.

You should see her/him trying to grab or touch it.

- You can have quiet play times when you read and sing to your baby

Observe your baby is listening to what you tell her/him and willing to participate in her/his own way.

- Place your baby on her/his tummy and play using your fingers creeping towards and tickling him/her.

See your baby show delight by laughing or shrieking.

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