The risk of you catching cholera when caring for a sick person is low if you take some basic measures to protect yourself at home 😷🧼

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and safe water after taking care, touching the clothes, or bedding of the sick person.
  • Wash the sick person’s bedding or clothing away from drinking-water sources.
  • Avoid direct contact with stools and vomit of the sick person. Place all waste in a toilet and ensure the latrine is properly disinfected.
  • Avoid getting infected through the clothing and bedding of a sick person; to get it clean wash it carefully with hot water and detergent and if you can dry it in direct sunlight.
  • You can also disinfect clothing and bedding by immersing it in boiling water for five minutes OR immersing it in water with a 0.2% solution of chlorine for at least ten minutes then rinsing.
  • If the sick person is using the household or community toilet, make sure it is cleaned and disinfected thoroughly after each use.
  • Don’t let the sick person prepare food.
  • Mothers should continue to breastfeed infants and young children even if they have been diagnosed with cholera.